Friday, 17 November 2023

This is Katya from Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s team


This is Katya from Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s team. Today I want to talk about one of the most popular topics in our social media: Taoist Sexual Practices for Men and Women.

This Sunday, 13:30 Paris time | 7:30 New York time, Grandmaster Mantak Chia will give a LIVE Free Lecture on this subject. Sign up and you will get a Zoom link with translations + Recordings.

Free Lecture will be translated LIVE into French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.

Sign up for FREE:

In the Tao we believe that sexual energy (Jing Qi) has a huge transformative potential and procreative healing powers. That's why we learn how to cultivate this energy, transform, conserve and circulate it in the body. 

Men lose sexual energy through ejaculation, and women lose it through menstruation and giving birth. With Healing Love practices men learn to control ejaculation and transform this sexual energy into Qi (life force). Women learn how to control menstruation and transform the blood into Qi.

Thus, sexual energy practices are beneficial for men and women of all ages, as a powerful means for rejuvenation, healing and spiritual development.

First through Taoist practice you learn how to harness your sexual energy, circulate it in the Microcosmic Orbit and transform into Qi. That’s what’s called Inner Alchemy of sexual energy. 

Female sexual practices are Ovarian breathing, breast massage, jade egg practice.

Male sexual practices are Testicle Breathing, Power Lock and the Orgasmic upward Draw. 

These practices involve contracting the PC muscle, pressing on the perineum, pulling down the testicles and using breathing and visualization to transform and circulate raw sexual energy.

In the Tao male sexual fulfillment lies not in feeling life going out of you but in increasing the awareness of the vital current that flows through the loins. We do not advocate celibacy as the solution ― we offer a practice, which permits men to cultivate orgasms without the loss of sexual fluids and to become multiorgasmic. This conserved energy that would normally form new life is then channeled within to renew the whole body. Specific areas that benefit are the nerves, endocrine glands, bone marrow, brain and immune system. 

Learn more at the Free Lecture:

Friday, 18 August 2023

Are your eyes tired of always being on guard?

In the Tao, we believe that the eyes are energetically connected to the liver. Tao Masters said: «When you look too much, you hurt your eyes and liver».

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is believed to govern the smooth flow of Qi and blood throughout the body. When the liver's function is compromised, it can lead to Qi stagnation, which may manifest as various unwanted physical and emotional symptoms.

Since the eyes require a steady flow of blood and energy to function properly, any disruptions in the liver's function can impact eye health and lead to impaired vision. But the energetic connection actually works both ways.

When the life-force is excessively draining from your eyes, this can damage your liver and wreak havoc in your energy system. This may happen if you overuse your vision during work, daily routines or leisure time, like looking at the electronic screens, watching TV etc.

As a general rule, since childhood people are trained to always keep their eyes turned outwardly: to be on guard, to be cautious, attentive, observant. Ancient Taoists noted that «the human eye is trained to see other people’s mistakes and shortcomings». We were all taught to learn from other people’s mistakes, which eventually leads to our life-force being squandered by too much watching and listening.

Through internal exploration in their spiritual retreats, ancient Tao Masters came up with the formulas of sealing the senses to stop the energy loss. They said: «When the eyes are not seeing, the eternal soul will stay in the liver. Turn your eye power inward. When you feel the green energy turning into the green dragon in the eyes, it will seal and protect your eyes»🐲

This is one of the most powerful millenia-old techniques practiced in the Darkroom ― Taoist tradition of energy meditations in total darkness.

In the Darkroom, we turn all the senses inwardly, and get a chance to heal our internal organs and the whole body. We preserve our precious life-force to rebuild and reset the inner energy system. We reunite with the true self and resolve subconscious traumas, fears, phobias from within. We understand our true life purpose, and may see into the past and the future⭐️

It is a way that leads to spiritual rebirth and enlightenment.

☯️If you seek to reset your body and mind, promote healing and detoxification, and reach a new levels of consciousness, we invite you to join Master Mantak Chia’s New beginner-friendly Darkroom Retreat this September online or on-site in Tao Garden, Thailand.

You can join us for 4, 5 or 9 days of guided meditations by Master Chia in total darkness coupled with Taoist traditional Pi Gu intermittent fasting. Early bird prices valid until August 20th.
Book your place on-site in Thailand here:
The majority of the spots for on-site retreat are already booked🔥In Tao Garden, the participants will be completely free from any external light source (except Day 1) and will have 3 meals a day according to Pi Gu.
Book your place online here:
If you join us online, you can recreate the Darkroom and Pi Gu fasting at your own place. More instructions on how to do it here:
May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Do you know how your inner voice sounds without extraneous noise?

A warm hello to you!

Do you know how your inner voice sounds without extraneous noise?

We live in a hasty world full of lights, sounds, images and diverse external stimuli: TV, the internet, lots of advertising, shops, films, restaurants, etc.

Our sensory organs are working to their full potential with little time for rest. For many people nowadays, even sleep does not bring relief due to this constant sensory over-stimulation.

Connecting to your inner self, Nature, and the Universe around you, temporarily closing your outer senses for external stimuli and turning on your inner senses to understand your emotional, physical, and spiritual cycles may be the answer to your questions about health and happiness.

This is what the ancient Taoist Darkroom technology is about. Through meditations in darkness, you can slow down, access higher states of consciousness, reunite with your true self and initiate physical and spiritual healing.

Grandmaster Mantak Chia has been teaching the Darkroom Retreat for more than 40 years now. And now it’s available for beginners in Taoism! 

⭐️On Sunday, 6 August, at 14:00 Paris time, Master Mantak Chia will give a FREE ONLINE LECTURE to tell you more about Darkroom technology and its benefits.

The Free Lecture will be translated LIVE into Hungarian, Spanish, Italian and Slovak languages.

If you can’t join it live, sign up and receive the lecture recordings by e-mail and messenger.

Sign up for FREE here:

Saturday, 22 July 2023

UHTS Single Cultivation Practices

If you have no lover, the Taoists offer a variant of sexual practice known as Single Cultivation.

This practice teaches a single man or woman how to put his or her sexual energy to work creatively in daily life or simply to enjoy life in good health and vitality without the plague of sexual and spiritual frustration.

At the core of Single Cultivation lies the principle of mating Male and Female/Yin and Yang subtle energies within one body.

Through practice, a practitioner (male or female) can alone induce a kind of Inner Valley Orgasm by learning to balance the exchange of Yin/Yang energies between his or her different Tan Tiens (energy centers).

There is also a Taoist method of Self-Intercourse induced by reversing the polarity between certain organs, which is quite wonderful.

All Sexual Alchemy practitioners, even if they want to eventually end up with Dual Cultivation, should first start with Single Cultivation to learn how to cultivate and circulate the sexual energy within their own bodies.

Single Cultivation practices can greatly improve the quality of your love-making, thus the individual lovers in a couple should also master them.

Overall, the Tao has a lot to offer the modern world on its revolutionary approach to sexuality as a method to reach wellness and spirituality.

Ancient Taoists are famous for permitting the use of sex on their spiritual paths. There were many Taoist sects which sprung up on the five holy mountains of China, each emphasized the importance of sexual cultivation.

The Taoists in ancient China traditionally cultivated themselves in pairs or small groups, whether it be two friends, a master and student, a man and woman, or a small community of adepts.

Whether you are man or woman, single or in any kind relationship, no matter your age and level of fitness, you can reap the amazing benefits of these ancient practices for promoting health, vitality and spiritual growth🙏🏻

🔥We invite you to join the Online LIVE Sexual Alchemy Workshop by Master Mantak Chia on July 14th-17th where he will teach Single and Dual Cultivation sexual practices for men and women. No nudity implied!

Book last places online here:

LIVE daily schedule is 9am-13pm Paris time. Lifetime access to recordings included. 

May the Qi be with you!

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Sexual Alchemy Workshop by Grandmaster Mantak Chia 2023

A warm hello to you,

This Friday Mantak Chia will teach his most popular workshop: Sexual Alchemy. You still can join this beginner-friendly workshop and explore ancient Taoist Sexual practices.

Taoism educates people about true sexual health and how it can enhance the most pleasurable sensations without draining the body’s vital energies. To live healthier, longer and have more mind power.

Whether you are man or woman, single or in any kind relationship, no matter your age and level of fitness, you can reap the amazing benefits of these ancient practices for promoting health, vitality and spiritual growth. No nudity implied!

Learn more and book your place:

If you have no lover, the Taoists offer a variant of sexual practice known as Single Cultivation.

This practice teaches a single man or woman how to put his or her sexual energy to work creatively in daily life or simply to enjoy life in good health and vitality without the plague of sexual and spiritual frustration.

At the core of Single Cultivation lies the principle of mating Male and Female/Yin and Yang subtle energies within one body.

In the Tao this is also known as God and Goddess reunion.

Through practice, a practitioner (male or female) can alone induce a kind of Inner Valley Orgasm by learning to balance the exchange of Yin/Yang energies between his or her different Tan Tiens (energy centers).

There is also a Taoist method of Self-Intercourse induced by reversing the polarity between certain organs, which is quite wonderful.

All Sexual Alchemy practitioners, even if they want to eventually end up with Dual Cultivation, should first start with Single Cultivation to learn how to cultivate and circulate the sexual energy within their own bodies.

Single Cultivation practices can greatly improve the quality of your love-making, thus the individual lovers in a couple should also master them.

We invite you to join the Online LIVE Sexual Alchemy Workshop by Master Mantak Chia on July 14th-17th where he will teach Single and Dual Cultivation sexual practices for men and women. No nudity implied!

Book last places online here:

LIVE daily schedule is 9 am — 13 pm Paris time. Lifetime access to recordings included. 

May the Qi be with you, and see you online!

Thursday, 6 July 2023

This picture is a 2000-year-old carving in a Tao temple👇🏻

The carving is a symbolic representation of the Microcosmic Orbit Meditation practice. Water is being pumped by the water wheel through the spine to the top of the head.

In the Tao Classics, this is called, «Kidney water reverses its course». The water passes through the fire at the Lower Tan Tien (lower abdominal energy center) and the kidney/adrenal glands transform it into vapor, Qi, the life force.

When the vapor reaches the crown it condenses and drips down like misty water to the heart. This cools the heart fire, so the heart will not dry out and the vapor will nurture all the organs and glands ― irrigate the land.

This is symbolic for the energy circulation process called Transforming Water into Steam. By pumping the watery sexual energy up the spine past the fire from the sexual palace and the kidneys to the top of the head, one is able to undergo inner alchemical transformation by coupling Yin and Yang together.
This way you create more Qi, the bio-electromagnetic power or the vital force that you can use for healing, spiritual development or self-realization.

The Microcosmic Orbit practice is sometimes called «Returning to the Primordial Force» or the «Born Again Process». As a fetus in the womb, we receive nutrients from our mother through the umbilical cord.
When we practice the Microcosmic Orbit and touch the tongue to the roof of the mouth, we receive nutrient Qi from the Universe and store it in the lower Tan Tien. This allows us to get back to our perfect, unspoiled original programming.

❤️If you want to open your internal energy and create harmony between yourself and the Universe to reclaim your Qi and health, we invite you to join Master Mantak Chia’s LIVE 4-day Taoist Basics Online training that starts TOMORROW!

Book last places here:

The training will take place from July 7th to 10th, 9am-13 pm each day. We encourage you to join us LIVE, because in this training Master Mantak Chia will do Energy and Violet Light transmission to help you awaken your Qi.

If you cannot join live, the recording will be available with lifetime access as well. May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Sunday, 2 July 2023

Tapping into cosmic energy for deep healing

Free online lecture tomorrow! Tapping into cosmic energy for deep healing🙏🏻☯️

The human being can be compared with a filled oil lamp. Many people burn their fuel with high intensity without ever taking the time to refill the oil in the lamp. Unhealthy lifestyle, stress, low self-awareness all accelerate the consumption of this precious fuel that in the Tao we call Qi ― life-force.

Taoist exercises and healing techniques are all about aligning your inner energies with the energies of the Universe, and replenishing your life-force through practice by tapping into the external cosmic sources of Qi.

In the Tao, we recognize that humans possess a limited Qi capacity by default, which gets more and more depleted with aging. However, when we are able to connect to the inexhaustible energy sources in the Universe, we gain a practically unlimited Qi capacity (within the limits of our human nature).

This way, we continue to replenish ourselves with the infinite abundance of energy around us for healing, revitalization, rejuvenation and daily living.

Though, to access this energy for our goals we should make it ours and store it in our body bio-battery ― the lower Tan Tien, a unique energy center located in the lower abdominal area three-finger width below the navel. This is the rule and the crucial part of any energy work, or Qi cultivation (we call it Qigong).

☯️If you are interested in ancient Taoist techniques of energy healing that can help yourself and other people to restore health and balance, we invite you to join Master Mantak Chia’s Free Online Lecture on June 26th, 14 pm Paris time/8am New York time.

Sign up to get the recording by email!

Confirmed live translations: Russian, Italian, German, Chinese.

Sign up at no fee through this link:

Taoist 5000-year old healing formulas use the mind-eye-heart power, inner energetic potential, focus and visualization to attract cosmic forces for healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

In this lecture, you will discover how to develop healing hands, what is Chi Nei Tsang organ detox massage and how it can fix our abdominal bio-battery through physical touch. Master Chia will as well talk about personal energetic protection for healers, so all body workers and therapists are very welcome!

May the Qi be with you, and see you soon!🙏🏻

Tapping into cosmic energy for deep healing

Free online lecture tomorrow! Tapping into cosmic energy for deep healing🙏🏻☯️

The human being can be compared with a filled oil lamp. Many people burn their fuel with high intensity without ever taking the time to refill the oil in the lamp. Unhealthy lifestyle, stress, low self-awareness all accelerate the consumption of this precious fuel that in the Tao we call Qi ― life-force.

Taoist exercises and healing techniques are all about aligning your inner energies with the energies of the Universe, and replenishing your life-force through practice by tapping into the external cosmic sources of Qi.

In the Tao, we recognize that humans possess a limited Qi capacity by default, which gets more and more depleted with aging. However, when we are able to connect to the inexhaustible energy sources in the Universe, we gain a practically unlimited Qi capacity (within the limits of our human nature).

This way, we continue to replenish ourselves with the infinite abundance of energy around us for healing, revitalization, rejuvenation and daily living.

Though, to access this energy for our goals we should make it ours and store it in our body bio-battery ― the lower Tan Tien, a unique energy center located in the lower abdominal area three-finger width below the navel. This is the rule and the crucial part of any energy work, or Qi cultivation (we call it Qigong).

☯️If you are interested in ancient Taoist techniques of energy healing that can help yourself and other people to restore health and balance, we invite you to join Master Mantak Chia’s Free Online Lecture on June 26th, 14 pm Paris time/8am New York time.

Sign up to get the recording by email!

Confirmed live translations: Russian, Italian, German, Chinese.

Sign up at no fee through this link:

Taoist 5000-year old healing formulas use the mind-eye-heart power, inner energetic potential, focus and visualization to attract cosmic forces for healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

In this lecture, you will discover how to develop healing hands, what is Chi Nei Tsang organ detox massage and how it can fix our abdominal bio-battery through physical touch. Master Chia will as well talk about personal energetic protection for healers, so all body workers and therapists are very welcome!

May the Qi be with you, and see you soon!🙏🏻

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Why do Sexual Alchemy practitioners usually look 10-15 years younger?

In Taoist sexual practices both male and female practitioners learn how to bring the sexual energy up to higher energy centers, transform it into back the life-force and cultivate the internal Orgasm — continual rolling expansion of the orgasm throughout the whole body, healing and rejuvenating its systems.

This orgasmic feeling can be extended in duration and repeated for hours.

By redirecting this orgasmic energy inwardly ― into the internal organs and glands ― people could have much more Qi to heal and rejuvenate their bodies and revitalize their brains. 

Unfortunately, many people carelessly lose their health and life-force in the quest for common outward orgasms.

Outward orgasms are mere pulsations of the genitals which occur only in the genital region. For men, such orgasms are short in duration and cannot be repeated once the seminal fluid is gone. Ejaculation causes a brief sensation in which sexual energy is passed out of the body and lost.

Although a woman’s experience lasts longer (Taoists say that women’s sexual system is more elaborated😉), there is not much benefit to her body if her sexual energy is left unattended only to be drained out during menstruation.

In contrast, an internal orgasm, cultivated through Healing Love practices, occurs throughout the entire body. It is a healthier and longer lasting approach with no loss of sexual essence.

The sensations actually travel through all of the organs, glands, and nerves, thrilling and revitalizing them with sexual energy (Jing Qi). This type of orgasm also retains the seminal fluid in men.

Tao said: «If one knows how to maintain orgasms for long periods of time, the Universal and Earthly Forces can be activated and combined into a higher bliss, which is a powerful healing and revitalizing energy».

This is the main secret why Sexual Alchemy practitioners look so young, compared to their real age.

☯️If you want to master your sexual energy and promote natural rejuvenation from within, we invite you to join the sexual practices LIVE workshop by Master Mantak Chia that will take place on July 14th-17th online and in Tao Garden. Men and women of any age, single or in a relationship, are welcome!

👉🏻Follow this link to join in Tao Garden, Thailand:

👉🏻Follow this link to join online:

May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Can you guess how many liters of seed an average man spills in his lifetime?

Can you guess how many liters of seed an average man spills in his lifetime? According to various estimates, this figure amounts to 15 liters!

If used differently, this precious resource would become a vast store of energy for healing, rejuvenating, and spiritual growth. In the Tao, semen is considered to be an important vital substance that can revitalize your body and mind.

Ancient Taoist sages came up with the Golden Rule of sexual energy preservation according to men’s age showing the permissible intervals between ejaculations. You can see this timetable in the video👇🏻

They also developed special sexual techniques that allow to retain the outward ejaculation and transform it into an internal total body orgasm, which leads to multiorgasmicity and seminal fluid retention in men.

When men develop this type of orgasm, the life-force remains preserved is channeled within to renew the whole body and revitalize the brain.

Through practice, the force of the sexual centers is directed upwards, which extraordinarily heightens all mental and physical functioning.

Taoist Sexual practices for men include Testicular and Prostate Gland Breathing, Scrotum Compression, Power Lock, Big Draw, and Valley Orgasm.

These ancient formulas incorporate breathwork and mind focus, massage techniques, exercising the pelvic floor muscles and opening the energetic pathways to transfer the orgasmic energy upwards.

🔥On July 14th-17th Master Mantak Chia will give a 4-days comprehensive workshop on Taoist Sexual Practices for men and women. This workshop will take place both online and in Tao Garden Resort (Thailand).

In this workshop, Master Chia will teach you the Single and Dual Cultivation practices in the Aroused & Unaroused State that conserve and transform sexual energy while refreshing and rejuvenating the body’s vital functions.

Men and women of any age, single or in a relationship, are welcome🙏🏻

Follow this link to join in Tao Garden, Thailand:

Follow this link to join online:

May the Qi be with you🙏🏻

Free online lecture tomorrow! Tapping into cosmic energy for deep healing

Free online lecture tomorrow! Tapping into cosmic energy for deep healing🙏🏻☯️

The human being can be compared with a filled oil lamp. Many people burn their fuel with high intensity without ever taking the time to refill the oil in the lamp. Unhealthy lifestyle, stress, low self-awareness all accelerate the consumption of this precious fuel that in the Tao we call Qi ― life-force.

Taoist exercises and healing techniques are all about aligning your inner energies with the energies of the Universe, and replenishing your life-force through practice by tapping into the external cosmic sources of Qi.

In the Tao, we recognize that humans possess a limited Qi capacity by default, which gets more and more depleted with aging. However, when we are able to connect to the inexhaustible energy sources in the Universe, we gain a practically unlimited Qi capacity (within the limits of our human nature).

This way, we continue to replenish ourselves with the infinite abundance of energy around us for healing, revitalization, rejuvenation and daily living.

Though, to access this energy for our goals we should make it ours and store it in our body bio-battery ― the lower Tan Tien, a unique energy center located in the lower abdominal area three-finger width below the navel. This is the rule and the crucial part of any energy work, or Qi cultivation (we call it Qigong).

☯️If you are interested in ancient Taoist techniques of energy healing that can help yourself and other people to restore health and balance, we invite you to join Master Mantak Chia’s Free Online Lecture on June 26th, 14 pm Paris time/8am New York time.

Sign up to get the recording by email!

Confirmed live translations: Russian, Italian, German, Chinese.

Sign up at no fee through this link:

Taoist 5000-year old healing formulas use the mind-eye-heart power, inner energetic potential, focus and visualization to attract cosmic forces for healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

In this lecture, you will discover how to develop healing hands, what is Chi Nei Tsang organ detox massage and how it can fix our abdominal bio-battery through physical touch. Master Chia will as well talk about personal energetic protection for healers, so all body workers and therapists are very welcome!

May the Qi be with you, and see you soon!🙏🏻

Saturday, 24 June 2023

If you are interested in ancient Taoist healing techniques

If you are interested in ancient Taoist healing techniques that can help yourself and other people to restore health and balance, we invite you to join Master Mantak Chia’s Free Online Lecture on June 26th, 14 pm Paris/8am NY time.

Confirmed live translations: Russian, Italian, German, Chinese.

Sign up at no fee through this link:

Taoist 5000-year old healing formulas use the mind-eye-heart power, inner energetic potential, focus and visualization to attract cosmic forces for healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

In this lecture, you will discover how to develop healing hands, what is Chi Nei Tsang organ detox massage and how it can fix our abdominal bio-battery through physical touch.

Master Chia will as well talk about personal energetic protection for healers, so all body workers and therapists are very welcome!🙏🏻

Can’t make it live? Sign up, and you will receive the lecture recordings by e-mail.

May the Qi be with you, and see you soon!

Thursday, 15 June 2023

In the Tao, the true goal of all practices is pure awareness or enlightenment

A warm hello to you,

In the Tao, the true goal of all practices is pure awareness or enlightenment, which produces a higher vibration, light, or frequency in our life-force (Qi). Though, it is essential to have a practical and down-to-earth approach to enlightenment, because we don’t want to get separated from real life.

Our enlightenment shouldn’t become a hindrance to living with other people. That’s why the Healing Tao system emphasizes a gradual approach to enlightenment❗️Watch the video below with Master Chia saying about the danger of a sudden enlightenment. 

When we are beginners, we start from the very basics: the Inner Smile, the Six Healing Sounds, the Microcosmic Orbit. We proceed with Sexual Alchemy practices, Fusion of the Five Elements, Iron Shirt, Tao Yin and Tan Tien Qigong.

This way step by step we learn how to circulate, balance, accumulate and refine our life-force energy (Qi) to improve our vitality, and enhance all bodily functions, including the production of spiritual energies that derive from our organs and glands. The enlightenment through the Tao doesn’t ignore the physical body, as we believe that the only way towards the enlightenment goes on the basis of the physical body.

The secrets of Qi cultivation and circulation have been passed down for thousands of years through several Taoist lineages. Master Mantak Chia and the Universal Healing Tao System openly teaches these secrets to help us become responsible for our lives.

We can become our own Masters by focusing on spiritual growth, rather than awaiting death and judgment for what we have neglected in life. As we learn to control our life-force, we gradually develop the means to control our own destinies.

🕊️If these spiritual goals resonate with you, we are glad to invite you to Master Mantak Chia’s Summer Retreat 2023 online and in Tao Garden (Thailand) in July and August🔥

During this Retreat you can learn all the essential Taoist practices from the very Basics to more advanced healing modalities (Cosmic Healing and Chi Nei Tsang).

Learn more about the Summer Retreat and choose one or several weeks online:

Or join us in Tao Garden, Chiang Mai (Thailand):

Watch the short video with Mantak Chia explaining the danger of sudden enlightenment:

May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Is it possible to reprogram your DNA and genes through Inner Alchemy?

Even if the idea of reprogramming your DNA and genes through inner spiritual practice is outside the realm of scientific understanding, Taoist millenia-old wisdom shows us that it might be true and this change is possible.

Through Inner Alchemy practice, we tap into the omniscient, which is everywhere and the source of everything. We stop trying to figure it out with our upper mind, because there is, in fact, nothing to figure out. The Tao says: «Once you connect with the inner voice you know without knowing»🙏🏻

When you reach this state, what you are doing in reality is connecting with the Universal Consciousness and drawing in all information from the Universe. 

And we go back to western science which has proven that everything in the Universe, all the knowledge, is in every cell of our body, printed in its DNA.

Thus, deep inner work can really reprogram us to our Original Blueprint.

When you go into deep meditation, working with your organs and energy body from inside, your monkey mind slows down, the focus shifts inwardly, and you connect with the Universal Consciousness hidden in your cellular structure. You are learning how to tap into the DNA within yourself.

The first step towards it is the monkey mind exercise, which is learning to occupy the upper mind by an active meditation. Second, entering the cellular structure and tapping into its DNA in the internal alchemy process. 

Taoist Inner Alchemy is called this way because you are changing one substance into another within yourself, you are transforming one aspect of consciousness into another. In other words, you are taking the limited consciousness of individuality (Ego) and transforming it into higher universal consciousness by tapping into your cellular structure.

🔥At the upcoming Summer Retreat classes in July and August 2023 Master Mantak Chia will teach you the fundamental non-westernized formulas of Taoist Inner Alchemy that can help change your life and health from within.

These classes are available to join online, as well as on-site in Tao Garden, Thailand. You can choose any class on its own or take several in a bundle.

👉🏻Follow this link to join the Summer Retreat in person in Thailand, Chiang Mai:

👉🏻Follow this link to join the Summer Retreat online:

Early bird prices for online participation are available until the 25th of June.

May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Sunday, 4 June 2023

Do you feel stuck, lost, exhausted or without inspiration?

People are constantly losing their energy through senses. When we work, go shopping, watch TV or even spend time with family, we are always outward-oriented. Thus, if we don't take time to turn inwardly on a daily basis at least for 1-5 minutes, we may end up stuck, exhausted and with no energy. Have you ever had this feeling? Please write in the comments👇🏻

The thing is that we are all self-regulating systems with self-healing capacities, but the ONLY way that we can align and bring ourselves up is by turning inwardly. When we do so, we switch on to the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the «rest and digest» response in our body. This mode lowers our heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, relieves stress, and brings more mental clarity and creativity.

One of the most powerful types of inner work is breathwork. Taoist breathing exercises were tested for centuries as a tool to boost energy levels, promote clear thinking, focus and concentration, clear up stress and negativity. 

Here are a few explanations how this tool works:

☯️Focus and mindfulness. Breathwork emphasizes focusing one's attention on the breath, using it as an anchor to cultivate mindfulness. By directing attention to the breath, we let go of distracting thoughts and external stimuli, allowing the mind to settle and become more focused.

☯️Stress reduction. Taoist breathwork incorporates many types of deep diaphragmatic breathing, which triggers the relaxation response. As a result, heart rate decreases, blood pressure lowers, and overall muscle tension reduces.

☯️Balancing Yin and Yang energies. When there is an imbalance between Yin and Yang, it can manifest as mental and emotional disturbances. Taoist breathwork balances these vital energies within the body, restoring our equilibrium.

☯️Spiritual awareness. When you turn inwardly and do your breathwork routine, you cultivate a connection between the mind, body and spirit, which leads to deeper connection with the Universe. This way you can easier recognize and release blockages, and attract more universal energy for healing and daily living.

💜If you seek to improve your mental focus and overall vitality, boost creativity, and reduce stress, we invite you to join Master Mantak Chia’s Online Course on Taoist Breathwork.

It's a self-paced course that includes pre-recorded lessons with lifetime access, e-booklets, and LIVE 90-min session (practice + Q&A + Energy and Violet Light Transmission) with Master Chia on the 27th of May.

👉🏻Follow this link to book your place:

The session will take place at 14pm Paris time/8am New York time. It will be recorded and available with lifetime access if you can't join live. May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Do you feel stuck, lost, exhausted or without inspiration?

Do you feel stuck, lost, exhausted or without inspiration?🙁😖

People are constantly losing their energy through senses. When we work, go shopping, watch TV or even spend time with family, we are always outward-oriented. Thus, if we don't take time to turn inwardly on a daily basis at least for 1-5 minutes, we may end up stuck, exhausted and with no energy. Have you ever had this feeling? Please write in the comments👇🏻

The thing is that we are all self-regulating systems with self-healing capacities, but the ONLY way that we can align and bring ourselves up is by turning inwardly. When we do so, we switch on to the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the «rest and digest» response in our body. This mode lowers our heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, relieves stress, and brings more mental clarity and creativity.

One of the most powerful types of inner work is breathwork. Taoist breathing exercises were tested for centuries as a tool to boost energy levels, promote clear thinking, focus and concentration, clear up stress and negativity. 

Here are a few explanations how this tool works:

☯️Focus and mindfulness. Breathwork emphasizes focusing one's attention on the breath, using it as an anchor to cultivate mindfulness. By directing attention to the breath, we let go of distracting thoughts and external stimuli, allowing the mind to settle and become more focused.

☯️Stress reduction. Taoist breathwork incorporates many types of deep diaphragmatic breathing, which triggers the relaxation response. As a result, heart rate decreases, blood pressure lowers, and overall muscle tension reduces.

☯️Balancing Yin and Yang energies. When there is an imbalance between Yin and Yang, it can manifest as mental and emotional disturbances. Taoist breathwork balances these vital energies within the body, restoring our equilibrium.

☯️Spiritual awareness. When you turn inwardly and do your breathwork routine, you cultivate a connection between the mind, body and spirit, which leads to deeper connection with the Universe. This way you can easier recognize and release blockages, and attract more universal energy for healing and daily living.

💜If you seek to improve your mental focus and overall vitality, boost creativity, and reduce stress, we invite you to join Master Mantak Chia’s Online Course on Taoist Breathwork.

It's a self-paced course that includes pre-recorded lessons with lifetime access, e-booklets, and LIVE 90-min session (practice + Q&A + Energy and Violet Light Transmission) with Master Chia on the 27th of May.

👉🏻Follow this link to book your place:

The session will take place at 14pm Paris time/8am New York time. It will be recorded and available with lifetime access if you can't join live. May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Rejuvenate yourself through the Taoist Breath of Essence❤️

This Taoist primordial breathing technique, also known as the Embryonic Breathing, is very ancient ― at least 5000 years old. We also call it the Breath of Essence.

Breath of Essence is similar to a fuel injection mixing Qi, Oxygen and Nutrition from air, and giving you a considerable surplus or refreshing and revitalizing energy.

Everyday people are using the Original Force that they receive in the beginning of their lives as an endowment from parents. This vital force gets gradually drained, and overtime, as they get older, they have less and less energy left for daily living.

Ancient Taoist sages came up with the immortal techniques that allow us to tap directly into the Original Force to replenish the drained fuel. The primordial embryonic breath is one of the best practices to reclaim your energy and health.

When you learn how to breathe in the essence of Qi, you get a chance to turn the time back in respect to your energy levels and overall sense of well-being.

This technique is very rejuvenating and invigorating, as it reproduces the process of prenatal breathing of a fetus inside the mother's womb through the umbilical cord.

The important aspect of the Primordial Breath is creating a suction in your abdomen and the pelvic floor area, imitating the breathing process while holding your breath. 

The suction acts as the Ignitor, or spark plug, for the Original Force🔥When the normal breath stops, the True Primordial Breath begins.

When you get back to the normal way of breathing after the embryonic one, you should feel that all your diaphragms are activated, and the internal suctions created in the abdomen, the perineum and the cranium keep on drawing in Qi.

Maintaining these suctions active through regular breathwork practice can become a firm basis for your increased physical vitality and deeper spiritual awareness.

We invite you to learn ancient Taoist breathing techniques in-depth at Master Mantak Chia’s Online Taoist Breathwork Course☯️

⭐️Amazing news! We added another LIVE Energy Transmission as a BONUS to the live session and Q&A on breathwork with Master Mantak Chia on May 27th!

Book your place here:

May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Why is it necessary to bring the energy down after Qigong practice?

When we do energy work, we generate a lot of Qi that needs to settle and be stored in the body's main energy warehouse, so we could use it later for healing, spiritual practice or daily activities.
If we leave this energy unsettled and unharnessed, it will find its own way: it will either rise up to the head or dissipate, which is not what we aim for in our practice.
Each time we do some activity with the 5 senses, the Qi goes up. For example, if your work implies a lot of thinking, you probably have a lot of Qi in your head.
Qi usually goes down when we are resting, sleeping, or focusing below the navel and observing our main power plant, the lower Tan Tien, being fully aware of it.
When we bring our Qi down and keep our mind focused on the lower Tan Tien, this makes us more stable and balanced. The condensed energy stored there (Tan Tien fire🔥) can offer us better vitality and internal strength.
The sad thing is that neither the head nor the heart can store energy. Our brain is the biggest energy waster, as it constantly spends it through thinking. Heart also cannot store energy ― it can only send, receive, and multiply it manyfold.
If one ignores collecting and storing energy after practice, too much hot Qi could be stuck in the head, literally «cooking» the brain🤯
Thereby, after each energy workout, we need to bring all the Qi back to the lower Tan Tien where it belongs, so that the collected Qi will stay with us.
When you do Qigong practice with focused awareness and due attention to the energy collecting phase, your state of health and well-being greatly improves.
❤️If you want to learn Qigong breathing practices in a safe manner, we invite you to Master Mantak Chia’s Online Course on Taoist Breathwork with LIVE Energy Transmission.
The energy that you will generate through breathwork practice and receive from Master Chia during LIVE energy transmission, if properly stored, can increase your vitality, self-healing capacities and accelerate your spiritual growth.
Follow this link to join online:
May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Happy 79th birthday, Master Chia

Today we are celebrating our beloved Master Chia's birthday ❤️

Master Chia was born in Thailand on the 24th of April 1944 in a Christian family. Baptized as Christian, he has been studying the Taoist approach to life since early childhood, absorbing spiritual ideas from different belief systems.

When Master Chia was 6, Buddhist monks taught him how to meditate and still his mind. While still a grammar school student, he learned traditional Thai boxing and, in the years to follow, Tai Chi Chuan, Aikido, Yoga, and advanced levels of Tai Chi.

When Master Chia was a high-school student, a classmate introduced him to his first Tao Teacher, venerable Master Yi Eng (One Cloud Hermit), who lived in a simple hut in the mountains near Hong Kong.

At this point, Master Chia seriously began his studies on Taoist Immortal Secrets of the Inner Alchemy. He learned how to circulate energy through the Microcosmic Orbit and how to open the 6 extraordinary channels through Fusion of the Five Elements.

As he studied Inner Alchemy further, he learned the Enlightenment of the Kan and Li, Sealing of the Five Senses, Congress of Heaven and Earth, and Reunion of Heaven and Man. It was Master Yi Eng who authorized Master Chia to teach the system of the 9 levels of Taoist Inner Alchemy to Chinese first and then to the Westerners.

In the mid 70’s Master Chia returned to Thailand, and opened his first Healing Center where he taught Qigong, Tai Chi and Inner Alchemy.

Five years later, he moved to New York, where in 1979, he opened the first Universal Healing Tao Center and registered the first trademark of Universal Healing Tao as a holistic health-care system for body, mind and spirit.

«For me, this is the real joy of teaching Qigong. I get to watch so many people heal and blossom like a flower when they experience their connection to the flow of Qi», ― says Master Chia.

Over the past 50 years Master Chia taught tens of thousands dedicated Tao students and certified hundreds of instructors worldwide.

He wrote more than 60 books translated into more than 40 languages, which made the Universal Healing Tao system global.

Today, on his birthday, Master Chia is doing the thing he loves the most ― teaching! He is now teaching Sexual Alchemy in Madrid as part of his World Tour, and celebrating this important date together with his students.

Look at the beautiful Yin/Yang birthday cake that we prepared for him on the images👇🏻

In honor of Master Chia’s birthday, we want to make you a little gift ― 30% discount for ANY Qigong workshop recording with lifetime access!

Apply the coupon code MANTAK79 at the checkout through these links:


Iron Shirt:

Tai Chi:

The discount is valid from 24th to 30th of April.

May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Toaist Breath Work Online by GrandMaster Mantak Chia

A warm hello to you!

Why are Energy Transmission and the Violet light sessions with Grandmaster Mantak Chia so popular? 

Over more than 50 years of diligent practice, Master Chia developed an amazing capacity for attracting and transmitting the Violet Light to his students without exhaustion. He can even do this from a distance, through a camera and his voice.

Many students practicing with Master Mantak Chia online and onsite, state that his energy transmission was the initial point of their spiritual awakening and healing. Thus, when one is able to connect with the cosmic Violet Light and harness it, he or she can develop an almost infinite capacity for energy, constantly refilling oneself and sharing this abundance with others.

🔥As a part of Taoist Breathwork Online Course, Master Mantak Chia will perform an Energy and Violet Light transmission this Sunday,  the 2nd of April, 14:00-15:30 Paris time/8 am-9:30 am NY time.

This transmission will take place during the practice class on breathing techniques with Q&A at the end.

Follow this link if you want to join the course online and receive the transmission from Master Mantak Chia:

May the Qi be with you!

Does Master Mantak Chia exhaust his own energy during transmission?

The Violet Light that Master Mantak Chia channels in his energy transmissions is a high vibrational cosmic energy that pervades the entire Universe. This resource is inexhaustible and available to any practitioner through Taoist practice.

💜The Violet Light is such a precious energy, because it has a unique capacity of mental and physical healing. It can expand your consciousness and bring higher dimensional knowledge and wisdom beyond space and time. It is the loving vibration of your higher self, the Light of spiritual awareness and connection to the Universe. 

Though, the ability to attract this refined energy, capture, store and use it for self-healing or transmitting to other people is not something innate. It is a practice, it requires skills to be developed and improved over time. It can take decades to harness this energy and share it with others abundantly without exhaustion.

For example, Master Mantak Chia says that in the beginning of his Taoist path he was rapidly exhausted when transmitting energy to others. It is because his body’s energy systems weren’t ready yet to receive and channel so much cosmic Qi✨

Over more than 50 years of diligent practice, Master Chia developed an amazing capacity for attracting and transmitting the Violet Light to his students without exhaustion. He can even do this from a distance, through a camera and his voice.

Many students practicing with Master Mantak Chia online and onsite, state that his energy transmission was the initial point of their spiritual awakening and healing.

Thus, when one is able to connect with the cosmic Violet Light and harness it, he or she can develop an almost infinite capacity for energy, constantly refilling oneself and sharing this abundance with others.

🔥As a part of Taoist Breathwork Online Course, Master Mantak Chia will also perform an Energy and Violet Light transmission on the 2nd of April. 

This transmission will take place during the practice class on breathing techniques with Q&A at the end.

👉🏻Follow this link if you want to join the course online and receive the energy transmission from Master Mantak Chia:

May the Qi be with you!🙏🏻