Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Why is it necessary to bring the energy down after Qigong practice?

When we do energy work, we generate a lot of Qi that needs to settle and be stored in the body's main energy warehouse, so we could use it later for healing, spiritual practice or daily activities.
If we leave this energy unsettled and unharnessed, it will find its own way: it will either rise up to the head or dissipate, which is not what we aim for in our practice.
Each time we do some activity with the 5 senses, the Qi goes up. For example, if your work implies a lot of thinking, you probably have a lot of Qi in your head.
Qi usually goes down when we are resting, sleeping, or focusing below the navel and observing our main power plant, the lower Tan Tien, being fully aware of it.
When we bring our Qi down and keep our mind focused on the lower Tan Tien, this makes us more stable and balanced. The condensed energy stored there (Tan Tien fire๐Ÿ”ฅ) can offer us better vitality and internal strength.
The sad thing is that neither the head nor the heart can store energy. Our brain is the biggest energy waster, as it constantly spends it through thinking. Heart also cannot store energy ― it can only send, receive, and multiply it manyfold.
If one ignores collecting and storing energy after practice, too much hot Qi could be stuck in the head, literally «cooking» the brain๐Ÿคฏ
Thereby, after each energy workout, we need to bring all the Qi back to the lower Tan Tien where it belongs, so that the collected Qi will stay with us.
When you do Qigong practice with focused awareness and due attention to the energy collecting phase, your state of health and well-being greatly improves.
❤️If you want to learn Qigong breathing practices in a safe manner, we invite you to Master Mantak Chia’s Online Course on Taoist Breathwork with LIVE Energy Transmission.
The energy that you will generate through breathwork practice and receive from Master Chia during LIVE energy transmission, if properly stored, can increase your vitality, self-healing capacities and accelerate your spiritual growth.
Follow this link to join online:
May the Qi be with you!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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