Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Grandmaster Mantak Chia: Cosmic Energy

«I will connect with the cosmic energy, compress it, and then transmit it to you through camera and my voice», ― says Grandmaster Mantak Chia.

The Unique Energy Healing Session with Master Chia will take place online on the 3rd of December 2022, 9am Paris time.

Follow this link to join this session for 29€ until the 25th of November:

«During the transmission I will give you a quiet time, so you can lie down or sit comfortably, and look into the darkness with your eyes shut๐Ÿ‘

I will fully guide you through this unique spiritual experience๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

You will look into the darkness until you see a dark violet light coming to you. Don't be afraid. This violet light brings with it wisdom and healing. When people receive it, they learn a lot of things they didn't know before.

If you keep on looking at this dark violet light, you will notice as it slowly becomes more transparent and turns into a shining bright violet light.

This bright violet light is the loving high-vibrational cosmic energy. It is coming from the main star of the Universe ― the North Star ⭐️

Violet light is the vibration of your higher-self, or your higher soul.

It is the unique energy because it can be used for mental, physical and spiritual healing. It can programmed to enhance your body and organs.

When you will receive the violet light, you will be able to guide it through your body for healing. You will pour it deep into your brain, spinal cord, internal organs and down through your legs. You will feel it enlivening your bones, deep into the bone marrow: washing, cleansing, energizing.

๐ŸŒ€At the end of the Energy Healing session I'll teach how to store this precious energy into your abdominal energy center ― the lower Tan Tien. 

The energy that is not stored cannot be accessed later for healing or simply for your daily living, because it dissipates very fast. Learning how to store energy in your body efficiently is a very important part of this practice.

Join me online on the 3rd of December 2022 to receive a profound spiritual experience and witness the power of the Primordial Violet Light»

May the Qi always be with you,
Grandmaster Mantak Chia☯️

Jutta Kelenberger Tao Garden Teachings Schedule

Do you often feel stressed and exhausted, alone with no self-esteem?

Perhaps you will recognise yourself and your lifestyle in this description.

Many people are spending their lives trying to get somewhere other than where they are. They think happiness is just around the corner, it will come tomorrow, just not today.

In this constant quest for lost happiness, they immerse themselves in short-lived pleasures, such as sex, food, drink, drugs and entertainment.

Life turns into a mouse race. People find themselves always focused on becoming, achieving and attaining, or chasing some new thrill or pleasure.

Do you believe that if you acquire more things you will become more fulfilled, good enough, or psychologically complete? Absolutely not.

If you go on like this for a long and long time, life just becomes awful and makes you sick. It causes pain, emotional distress and suffering.

Many people live in fear and feel like a loose cannon, waiting for cancer to burst into their lives, like it burst into the lives of their mothers, sisters or aunts. They don’t see that their weak constitutions result from a combination of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual reasons.

Maybe while reading this, you also become aware that this lifestyle is carrying you further and further away from yourself, draining your life-force energy and making you feel always exhausted, lost and incomplete.

I was drawn to Healing Tao practices for many of the above mentioned reasons. I grew up having no self-esteem and feeling insecure in my family. My parents fought a lot and I grew up with fear, that manifested as a lump in my stomach. Looking for answers, I felt drawn to mysticism and all that could not to be explained with words. At that time I didn’t understand anything about emotions and spiritual energy.

Deep feelings of not being «right» or «good enough» stayed with me for a long time, and only through the Taoist Basic practices such as the Six Healing Sounds, the Inner Smile, the Microcosmic Orbit and the Inner Alchemy Qigong, I was able transform them and increase my life-force.

It took many years of sacrifice and dedicated practice to heal myself not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually. As a result, my inner struggles have dissolved and transformed. Life is fun. I enjoy assisting others in their own way of transformation and self-healing.

I love teaching the Taoist energy cultivation and exchanging my thoughts with like-minded people. I understand that without the hardships I experienced I would not be the person I am now, and I am thankful for every part of my life. I aspire to continue to better myself through continued practice and learning.

The practices that I teach is a complete set of tools for those who are looking for clarity, meaning and purpose in life, for those who want to cultivate self-healing and transform their stress and fear into vitality.

Whether you are a complete newcomer to Tao energy cultivation or an intermediate truth-seeker, I invite you to join my on-site classes in Barcelona, Castelldefels, in January 2023 to discover the abundant resources for health and happiness that are hidden within you.

❤️On January 14th and 15th (Saturday-Sunday) I'll be holding Tao Energy Basics classes. I'll teach you the Inner Smile meditation, the Six Healing Sounds, Microcosmic Orbit, Inner Alchemy Qigong and Qi self-massage. 

❤️On January 21st and 22nd I will be teaching Iron Shirt Qigong and Tao Yin. Iron Shirt is the practice that develops the connection to Earth and Heaven and increases your life-force energy. Tao Yin creates strength and flexibility in your muscle, tendons and meridian system, so the life-force can move freely and abundantly through your whole body.

๐Ÿ™๐ŸปI'll be happy to welcome you at my classes! Please contact me here on Facebook or write me an email to to join us in Barcelona, Castelldefels, this January.

You can also follow this link to check and join my upcoming events:

Wish you good mind, good heart and good Qi!❤️

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

How can you benefit from the Primordial Violet Light? Join Energy Transmission with Mantak Chia


Today we would like to tell you about the Violet Light and how you can benefit from it.

The Violet Light is a high vibrational universal energy from the North Star. We call this the Wisdom Light, high vibrational energy. This luminous Violet Light pervades the entire Universe, connecting everything to one another. It is the only energy that can be programmed for healing, as it can rapidly regenerate damaged organs and nerves. Attracting and storing this energy is difficult and it takes years to learn.

How can you benefit from the Violet Light, then?

Although it’s not easy to learn to capture it from the Universe, you can benefit from the Violet Light programmed by an experienced Taoist Master and sent to you for healing. In such a case, you can feel deep relaxation, bliss, and peacefulness, and the energies within your body will balance out.

Master Chia is one of the few people in the world who can use the power of Violet Light and send it to someone else for healing purposes.

The students who have participated in Master Chia's online and onsite classes say that he helped them witness the presence and power of the Universal Violet Light.

Mike Pole from New Zealand says: «Master Chia and his teachings on primordial light energy are ancient wisdom. When Master Chia focuses on you and directs the light, one actually feels the heat of the concentrated energy. And like most humans, seeing the invisible is impossible, but sensing this heat source can jolt the thought process into coming alive».

Through this process of coming alive, many people step on their initial healing journey through the Tao.

Would you like to experience the violet light and energy transmission by Master Mantak Chia directly? 

๐ŸŒŸWe are happy to invite you to a Unique Healing Session online 

๐Ÿ“…December 3rd at 9:00 am Paris time.

“I connect with higher-dimensional energy, compress it, and then transmit it. No matter where people are, they will receive it because we are all connected under the same universe. The attendees need to lie down or sit comfortably, remain quiet, and avoid artificial light. I will walk them through the entire process. They must look into the darkness until they see a brighter violet light. This light has the power to heal. I will then explain how to store the energy in their bodies,” - says Master Chia.