Wednesday, 16 November 2022

How can you benefit from the Primordial Violet Light? Join Energy Transmission with Mantak Chia


Today we would like to tell you about the Violet Light and how you can benefit from it.

The Violet Light is a high vibrational universal energy from the North Star. We call this the Wisdom Light, high vibrational energy. This luminous Violet Light pervades the entire Universe, connecting everything to one another. It is the only energy that can be programmed for healing, as it can rapidly regenerate damaged organs and nerves. Attracting and storing this energy is difficult and it takes years to learn.

How can you benefit from the Violet Light, then?

Although it’s not easy to learn to capture it from the Universe, you can benefit from the Violet Light programmed by an experienced Taoist Master and sent to you for healing. In such a case, you can feel deep relaxation, bliss, and peacefulness, and the energies within your body will balance out.

Master Chia is one of the few people in the world who can use the power of Violet Light and send it to someone else for healing purposes.

The students who have participated in Master Chia's online and onsite classes say that he helped them witness the presence and power of the Universal Violet Light.

Mike Pole from New Zealand says: «Master Chia and his teachings on primordial light energy are ancient wisdom. When Master Chia focuses on you and directs the light, one actually feels the heat of the concentrated energy. And like most humans, seeing the invisible is impossible, but sensing this heat source can jolt the thought process into coming alive».

Through this process of coming alive, many people step on their initial healing journey through the Tao.

Would you like to experience the violet light and energy transmission by Master Mantak Chia directly? 

🌟We are happy to invite you to a Unique Healing Session online 

📅December 3rd at 9:00 am Paris time.

“I connect with higher-dimensional energy, compress it, and then transmit it. No matter where people are, they will receive it because we are all connected under the same universe. The attendees need to lie down or sit comfortably, remain quiet, and avoid artificial light. I will walk them through the entire process. They must look into the darkness until they see a brighter violet light. This light has the power to heal. I will then explain how to store the energy in their bodies,” - says Master Chia.

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