Friday, 12 April 2024

I hosted a live masterclass outlining the Ancient Taoist Secrets of energy...

Yesterday evening I hosted a live masterclass outlining the Ancient Taoist Secrets of energy hacking and specifically how sexual energy can be used to deeply heal and activate our body and consciousness.

This is my huge passion in life, and something that most people don’t really understand.

My experience with exploring my sexuality through Taoist experiences has taken me on the most incredible journey I wouldn’t even have believed was possible!

It’s also something most people don’t seem dancing to get, on the one hand the conventional sex positive interpreting sexual energy cultivation as repressive; on the other hand, the repressive lot thinking I’m doing something dirty 🤣🤣🤣

I guess the controversy is that, although it’s so logical, it’s also so outside the box for mainstream thinking.

Yet this is how ancient people used to think and live their lives, before modern civilisation.

This knowledge explains not just that sexual energy is the most powerful creative, healing and spiritual energy we have, but it shows HOW TO USE IT.

That’s the real deal breaker for me, because having this power without the instruction manual, so to speak, is kinda useless.

This last week I’ve been finding myself mega shadow banned; as if forces around me are trying to stifle this knowledge.

Someone was joking to me that we may have to go back to carrier pigeon or psychic message, but the turn out for the event (I didn’t expect so many people) just went to show what I knew already…

That people are waking up to the knowledge; from deep within their souls, that sexual energy is way more than something to just faff out like a bit of a frustration; rather something to expand into to experience the depths of consciousness and life as it truly is in all its magic.

And here am I by this cosmic vagina portal into Mother Earth! Enjoying the morning sunlight with my beloved animals!

Because when you really understand this, the universe is just one enormous vagina; and a vagina is the universe.

I know a lot of you have been missing seeing my posts as they've been lowered in your feed by the algorithm. If you comment like on my posts you are more likely to see them.

So give me a creative 💜 below if you're feeling the vibes of this awakening of sexual consciousness and the coolest 💜 wins a copy of my training about the vagus nerve and orgasms.

You can also join my private group for more info and free trainings.

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