Monday, 29 January 2024

Transform your negative emotions into life force energy with the help of Fusion meditation

In the Tao Fusion means mixing and fusing things to create something new💥

🧘In our Taoist practices, we combine emotions, natural forces, life forces, into one energy we can use.

Fusion of the Five Elements 1 allows you to control the energy of your inner universe to facilitate the connection with the energy of the Grand Universe✨

👉🏻With Fusion practices you will learn how to transform the Negative Energy as the Most Powerful Act of Forgiveness.

When you transfer anger into kindness, you are performing the act of forgiveness, the most important practices of the Taoist system☯️

When you feel the anger of others, do not suppress it, do not be afraid of this.

At the moment the energy transforms into life-force, you feel a sense of release, a sense of opening. 🙌

🌟Experience the feeling. Remember that it will help you to transform more energy easily.

👉🏻Fusion practices help you learn how to project Inner Virtue outwardly to increase Virtue Energy❤️‍🔥

The Taoist way emphasizes helping the world without anyone noticing. Once you have grown love, joy, kindness, and gentleness internally, it can be projected outwardly toward others☘️

The more virtue energy you project outwardly, the more you grow inwardly.

⚡️The more you give, the more you receive without ever asking for reward.

👉🏻 Through Fusion practices you will also learn how prepare your body to receive the Universal Force💥

The Universal Force supplies useful energy for healing, additional life- force energy, spiritual work, and for working on new projects when additional energy is required to make decisions or to solve a crisis✨

💜 If these benefits appeal you and you want to learn Fusion practices, we invite to join Fusion workshops on the 3rd week of Winter Retreat with Master Mantak Chia.

🗓️ Fusion workshops start on January 25th

The retreat will take place both online 💻— and in Tao Garden ⛩️

📍Lifetime access to recordings.

Link for the online participation
Link for Tao Garden

Friday, 26 January 2024

How to experience the most powerful reset and reunite with your true-self

Taoist Darkroom technology can:

☯️deeply revitalise all your bodily systems

☯️offer you physical and emotional rest like never before in your life

☯️help to reunite with your true-self and divinity within

🧘Taoist Darkroom is a 5000-year-old spiritual tradition of energy meditations in absolute darkness coupled with intermittent Pi Gu fasting.

Over centuries it has proven to be a unique method for deep relaxation, body and mind reset, spiritual awakening✨

🪷When your spiritual, emotional and physical bodies get reunited, the healing process begins and brings transformation on all levels.

In darkness we are deprived of all visual reference, and our mind begins to wander freely in the vast realms of spiritual experience🙏

💥You literally conduct the universal energy.

In Taoist Darkroom, you may even see into the past and future, and understand the true meaning of existence and the order of things in this Universe✨

You return to the womb, the cocoon of our Nature's original Darkness🖤

💎In darkness we are deprived of all visual reference, and our mind begins to wander freely in the vast realms of spiritual experience

You can recreate ancient Darkroom technology in your own home. Hundreds of our students did it successfully and joined workshops online👏

📍Master Mantak Chia invites you to FREE ONLINE LECTURE that will take place this Sunday, 🗓️28 January 2024,
⏳13.30 Paris time where you will find out:

🌀how to get the maximum from Darkroom retreat online

🌀how to organize Darkroom retreat at home

🌀how to get ready and gain this unique
experience under Master Chia’s guidance

The Free Lecture will be translated live into Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian languages✅

If you can’t join us live, sign up now and you’ll receive the recording by e-mail and messenger 💌

Click here to register

Welcome, and may the Qi be with you! 🙏