Friday, 17 November 2023

This is Katya from Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s team


This is Katya from Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s team. Today I want to talk about one of the most popular topics in our social media: Taoist Sexual Practices for Men and Women.

This Sunday, 13:30 Paris time | 7:30 New York time, Grandmaster Mantak Chia will give a LIVE Free Lecture on this subject. Sign up and you will get a Zoom link with translations + Recordings.

Free Lecture will be translated LIVE into French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.

Sign up for FREE:

In the Tao we believe that sexual energy (Jing Qi) has a huge transformative potential and procreative healing powers. That's why we learn how to cultivate this energy, transform, conserve and circulate it in the body. 

Men lose sexual energy through ejaculation, and women lose it through menstruation and giving birth. With Healing Love practices men learn to control ejaculation and transform this sexual energy into Qi (life force). Women learn how to control menstruation and transform the blood into Qi.

Thus, sexual energy practices are beneficial for men and women of all ages, as a powerful means for rejuvenation, healing and spiritual development.

First through Taoist practice you learn how to harness your sexual energy, circulate it in the Microcosmic Orbit and transform into Qi. That’s what’s called Inner Alchemy of sexual energy. 

Female sexual practices are Ovarian breathing, breast massage, jade egg practice.

Male sexual practices are Testicle Breathing, Power Lock and the Orgasmic upward Draw. 

These practices involve contracting the PC muscle, pressing on the perineum, pulling down the testicles and using breathing and visualization to transform and circulate raw sexual energy.

In the Tao male sexual fulfillment lies not in feeling life going out of you but in increasing the awareness of the vital current that flows through the loins. We do not advocate celibacy as the solution ― we offer a practice, which permits men to cultivate orgasms without the loss of sexual fluids and to become multiorgasmic. This conserved energy that would normally form new life is then channeled within to renew the whole body. Specific areas that benefit are the nerves, endocrine glands, bone marrow, brain and immune system. 

Learn more at the Free Lecture: