Monday, 7 December 2015

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Immune System Activating : Mantak Chia

Immune System Activating : Mantak Chia

Mantak Chia # DNA Sum up In Swiss,Bassel Part_3 # 2) Release negative e...

Mantak Chia # DNA Sum up In Swiss,Bassel Part_3 # 2) Release negative e...

Yoga For Back Pain - 30 Minute Back Stretch, Sciatica Pain, & Flexibilit...

Yoga For Back Pain - 30 Minute Back Stretch, Sciatica Pain, & Flexibilit...

Yoga For Back Pain - 30 Minute Back Stretch, Sciatica Pain, & Flexibilit...

How to Eliminate Back Pain Using Acupressure Points

bodywork techniques for bladder and kidneys

Exercise for Kidney Patients

Qi Gong exercise: Kidney Breathing

Kidney Breathing, I have exercised for somethime, and it did help. I can feel it, yes!

Monday, 23 February 2015

Donald Trump Speech - Donald Trump How to Get Rich - How to Get Rich

1.   Don't miss momentum
2.   Ask for great assistance
3.   Find a receptionist who can speak English
4.   Rich people see problems are just another way of proofing themselves.
5.   Growth is an indication of progress
6.   Don't intimidate people
7.   Remember that your organisation is your organisation.
8.   Know yourself and your competitor
9.   Bull-shit will only get you so fat
10. Communicate all things with everyone

Saturday, 21 February 2015

T Harv Eker Interview on CNN

17 Pola Berpikir Orang Kaya vs. Orang Miskin

1. Rich People Believe, "I create my life."
Poor people belive "life happens to me."
Orang kaya percaya “saya ciptakan hidup saya”
Orang miskin percaya “hidup terjadi pada saya”

2. Rich people play the money game to win.
Poor people play the money game not to lose
Orang kaya bermain dengan uang untuk menang
Orang miskin bermain dengan permainan untuk kalah

3. Rich people are committed to being rich
Poor people want to get rich
Orang kaya punya komitmen untuk menjadi kaya
Orang miskin ingin jadi kaya

4. Rich people think big
Poor people think small
Orang kaya berpikir yang besar-besar
Orang miskin berpikiran yang kecil-kecil

5. Rich people focus on opportunities
Poor people focus on obstacles
Orang kaya memfokuskan diri kepada peluang
Orang miskin menfokuskan diri kepada rintangan

6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people
Poor people resent rich and successful people
Orang kaya mengagumi orang lain yang kaya dan sukses
Orang miskin menentang orang yang kaya dan sukses

7 Rich people associate with positive, successful people
Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people
Orang kaya bergaul dengan orang positif dan sukses
Orang miskin bergaul dengan orang negaitif dan tidak sukses

8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value
Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion
Orang kaya berkeinginan mempromosikan diri dan nilai mereka
Orang miskin berpikir negative tentang menjual dan mempromosikan

9. Rich people are bigger than their problems
Poor people are smaller than their problems
Orang kaya lebih besar daripada persoalan mereka
Orang miskin lebih kecil daripada persoalan mereka

10. Rich people are excellent receivers
Poor people are poor receivers
Orang kaya adalah penerima yang luarbiasa
Orang miskin adalah penerima yang tidak baik

11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results
Poor people choose to get paid based on time
Orang kaya dibayar berdasarkan hasil
Orang miskin dibayar berdasarkan waktu

12. Rich people think "both"
Poor people thing "either/ or"
Orang kaya berpikir “keduanya”
Orang miskin berpikir “entah / atau”

13. Rich people focus on their net worth
Poor people focus on their working income
Orang kaya memfokuskan diri kepada kekayaan net mereka
Orang miskin memfokuskan diri kepada income dari bekerja

14. Rich people manage their money well
Poor people mismanage their money well
Orang kaya mengelola uang mereka dengan baik
Orang miskin salah mengelola uang mereka

15. Rich people have their money work hard for them
Poor people work hard for their money
Orang kaya membuat uang mereka bekerja keras buat mereka
Orang miskin bekerja keras untuk uang mereka

16. Rich people act in spite of fear
Poor people let fear stop them
Orang kaya bertindak walaupun ada rasa takut
Orang miskin membiarkan rasa takut mengentikan langkah mereka

17. Rich people constantly learn and grow
Poor people think they already know
Orang kaya secara terus-menerus belajar dan bertumbuh
Orang miskin berpikir mereka sudah tahu.

Terjemahan: Jhon Yonathan Kwano

17 Wealth Secrets On Developing A Millionaire Mind by T.Harv Eker

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Secrets Of Millionaire mind T. Harv Eker

Extreme Wealth Seminar - T Harv Eker

T. Harv Eker: Master the Inner Game of Wealth